Telegram group «Sl8 Community (SSLX)»

Telegram group Sl8 Community (SSLX)

Welcome to the SL8 community Tap to PLAY: @gold_eagle_coin_bot ✅ Website: ‼️Sl8 Support (bugs, only technical questions) - here: @Sl8_Support

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  • WIN BOT 05:48

    بس تدوال يحتاج فلوس منك كتيره + معظهم بيهبدو تلاقي شب 18 19 سنه بيقوللو يمستر 😂

  • Hi Hi 05:48
    Hi Hi

    مزدوش ديرو مهمات و تدعمو كي يفتحو سحب باه ديرو هك ركم دعمو فيهم باطل عل هدك مافتحوش سحب

  • 🐾Mahmoud 05:48

    شباب أنا عايز اشتري دولار علي بإينانس اللي معاه يا ياريت يبعتلي

  • Jack Join🐾🐾 05:48
    Jack Join🐾🐾

    U guys should just go and vote yes in their comment section simple So they will open claim

  • Anonymous 🦊🌱SEED 🐾💠 🐍 🆙 UXUY 05:48
    Anonymous 🦊🌱SEED 🐾💠 🐍 🆙 UXUY

    I have in this project since November 15th I no be newbie like you no be only you suffer and nobody force you to join do you think they care if you don’t forgive them no be so things dey work they are sleeping it’s very early to for them to open claims even when they went on Christmas break they didn’t come back 6 o’clock we had to wait for them so no be everything be scam let’s just wait

  • Alexandr 05:48

    Please contact the support chat with such problems. Do not post your screenshots here. I warn you.

  • Zeyad Atef 05:49
    Zeyad Atef

    ع العموم مش شرط عشان سحبت قبل كدة يبقي ثقة النصاب دايما بيطمعك في الاول مش ع البوت دة انا بقؤلك عموما

  • WIN BOT 05:49

    يسطا ولله العظيم معظم بيشغلو سكربتات خاريجه ويروحو ينمو يصحو يلاقو التجميع ده

  • Lyvely 05:49

    And none of the admins could make a comment, even the so called Moderator who responds like Flash.

  • NwabugoΣ 05:49

    U just open ur mouth eaaahhh dey talk trash... Rest jhare



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